About me

I have two passions, the first being UX-Design, and the second is programming. However, I have one thing I could never live without; Games. Video games and board games to be more specific. They influence everything I do. Put me infront of any strategy game, puzzle, first-person shooter, RPG, or sport game and you will have a hard time to get rid of me. I call myself a proud nerd and usually makes anyone close to me more nerdy by every passing day.

Coming from a strong UX Design background founded in programming, I share a good connection between the two whenever I consider any game or design. Seeing not just the possibilities, but also the limitations of what can be done. When it comes to UX Design, the most difficult aspect is to know when the design is "good enough". With my perspectives and experience, I tend to always find this sweet spot with ease.

If you would ask any of my collegues at Paradox about me, the main characteristic they would probably mention is my very friendly and communicative manner. I tend to end up as the middle man (or the spider in the web) between disciplines as I work hard to get everyone aligned around our players' experience. This have led me to try to create and uphold an aura and feeling at every workplace I am at, that everyone should feel comfortable to post or voice any concerns or ideas for a design, no matter if they are good or bad, at any time. Every person's experience is as valid as any other. This is something I often translate into any type of user test I perform as well.

In my free time, I like to travel the world in search of majestic cliffs and boulders to climb, at least when the weather is nice. When the weather is not so nice, I love to run in the rain when the air is fresh, usually sticking to the longer running distances. The main reason for my exercising is not only to become strong, but to not completely destroy my back from my endless board gaming or late nights hunkering down by my computer, either designing, coding, gaming or creating games.

    My top five board games:
  • Twilight Imperium 4th edition
  • Gloomhaven
  • Eclipse
  • Tiny Epic Dungeons
  • Nemesis
    My top five video games:
  • Valheim
  • Rocket League
  • League of Legends: Teamfight Tactics
  • DayZ
  • Crusader Kings 3

If you have any random fact, or you want to know more about how I would improve your design and/or developer team, do not hesitate to get in touch! You can find my number and e-mail at the bottom of the page.


+46 73 821 32 22


Hökmossevägen 36A
Hägersten, Stockholms län 11543