IKSU Website Re-design

We re-designed the website of Sweden’s largest sports and training facility, IKSU. Down below follows a closer description of how we did it and what came out of it.

The Original Design

The login section and statistics sections of their website were in great need of a rework and me and two other students took it upon ourselves to re-design it. We strongly focused on research and evaluation of IKSU’s current website, its navigation, and the content of its training statistics page before moving onto ideas. How do users navigate the site and what do they think about having these training statistics at hand? These questions were answered by observations of people using the website. A sample group of 8 members of IKSU were asked to perform simple tasks and navigations on the website which we recorded and analyzed. Through the design process and iteration of Lo-fis and Mid-fis and further observations, we eventually had a concept and Hi-fi mock-up.

Our observations told us that the major flaw of the original design was its nestled profile page. No clear idea of hierarchy or structure. Hard to navigate and find anything since it lacked any familiarity to any other type of website.

We solved this problem by centering the design on one page. With a side-window popping up from the side to make the user feel like they are still staying on the same page as before. Tests showed us a greatly improved ease in the websites navigation with this new design contra the original design.

The New Design

Iksu did not know of this project until we asked to present it to them. They were happily surprised and asked us if they could use this new design in eventual future re-works of their website. We said yes, of course!

I was involved in every process and learnt, among many other things, the importance of staying quiet in certain situations during an observation-study. It could lead to really interesting discoveries.

Down below is a presentation-poster of the mock-up, showing the flaws of the original version and then the new design. Unfortunately, for all non-Swedish speakers, it’s in Swedish.


+46 73 821 32 22


Hökmossevägen 36A
Hägersten, Stockholms län 11543